As of 2021 there less than 40 Florida Certified Master Builders in the entire state of Florida! These elite Home Builders, Remodelers and Commercial Contractors are dedicated to excellence in building and client satisfaction. These builders hold themselves to a higher standard than required by the State of Florida for licensure. They are:

• Highly skilled professionals
• Reliable and ethical individuals
• Current on the latest trends and techniques
• Someone who takes pride in their work
• More knowledgeable than other builders


Florida Certified Master Builders must:

• Have at least 7 years of work experience in the construction industry or hold a Bachelor’s Degree in the construction field
• Have held a contractor license for at least 5 years
• Derive their principle income from the building industry
• Provide proof of workers comp and liability insurance
• Offer clients a written contract on all building and remodeling projects with standard dispute resolution and disclaimer language
• Issue a minimum of a 1-year written Home Warranty on all newly constructed projects
• Have a clean building record defined as no outstanding issues with the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) or the applicant’s local building jurisdiction
• Pass a criminal background check
• Have a credit rating of 700 or better
• Pass a reference check with a client satisfaction rating of 4 or better out of a scale of 1-5, where 5 is the highest satisfaction rating
• Pass a subcontractor and supplier reference check
• Be a member in good standing of a professional builders association (3 years minimum)
• Submit a Florida Certified Master Builder Application detailing their experience in the construction industry
• Sign a Florida Certified Master Builder Agreement indicating their continued compliance with all Florida Certified Master Builder requirements and standards
• Be vetted and approved by the Florida Master Builder Certification Board